How To Use

How do I use the BreathMax Breathing Trainer?

Step 1: Prepare Your Trainer Before starting, ensure that your air resistance trainer is clean. Insert the mouthpiece into your mouth with the engraved word “top” at the base of the mouthpiece facing up. Gently bite down on the inner sides of the mouthpiece to secure it in place.

Step 2: Proper Breathing Technique Stand or sit comfortably in an upright position while maintaining good posture, or incorporate it into your workout routine. Adjust the resistance level to your preferred breathing resistance, making it challenging but not uncomfortable. Inhale deeply through the mouthpiece until you reach full lung capacity, then exhale until you're almost out of breath. Focus on completely filling your lungs with air to engage your inspiratory muscles.

Step 3: Controlled Exhalation Remove the device from your mouth and breathe normally until you recover your breath. Repeat the exercise 10 times to complete one set. Aim for 2 to 4 sets per day, preferably before meals.

WARNING: Ensure that the breathing is challenging but not uncomfortable, and if you experience dizziness, headache, or breathlessness, reduce the resistance level. Always prioritize caution.


    Please note that all content and resources provided by BreathMax are for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for professional medical treatment. Consult a qualified healthcare provider for medical concerns.

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